Friday, December 31, 2010


My new year's resolution is to be good enough for ONE day to go by without my parents arguing over something that I've fucked up.
Guys, I know that I'm not perfect.
But I'm trying awful hard.
I just want to smile.
I just want everything to be okay.

I know where I get my weight insecurities from.
And a lot of other ones, too.

I wish I could be better.
I wish things were just that simple.
I wish I could believe in God.

But I can't.
I mean, I do.
But I don't think that He believes in me.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Murdermurder Ragerage.

Dude, you are my ex-boyfriend.
We dated.
We held hands.
We kissed-- sort of.
We broke up.

And, you know what?
You're a really terrible person.
There. I said it. I've been bottling it up for years, but there it is, in black and white.
You're a terrible person that will never have a good life, because you'll never grow up and get up off your lazy ass long enough to make one for yourself.
In the past, you'd tell me all the time that you expect to die in your twenties.
Well, you know what? You won't.
You're going to live a long, miserable life.
And it'll be your own damn fault.

Do not judge me based on my relationship with Alex.
You haven't met Alex.
You haven't seen me in years, spoken to me in months.
You have yet to grow up from the same immature, a little funny but mostly stupid, teenager that I once dated.
You have no right to contact me in any way.

You know, I still get scared to look out of windows sometimes?
I still expect you to be standing there, cuts all down your arms and neck and face, telling me that you hadn't cut deeper because hadn't wanted to "hurt" me.
Fucking selfish pig.

I am more than angry.
I am livid, I am furious, I am filled with rage.
One more fucking sarcastic remark from you about my dating life, or about me at all, and I will explode. I will explode, and I will not stop exploding until I make you cry.

Maybe that sounds a little extreme.
But I am sick to death of you and your casual attempts at interfering in my life.
Fuck you.
Fuck your self-imposed "depression."
Fuck your pity-party-of-one life.
Grow up and get real problems, dude.

Monday, December 27, 2010

I Don't Understand Anything.

I have no one to cry to, this time.
Realizing that almost made me burst into tears.
I'm thirteen hours away from anyone even slightly comforting.

I think Alex is mad at me for taking a facebook joke too far.
I think Michael is slowly letting me fade out of his life.
I think Grace is growing to dislike me and my new bitchy attitude.
I think my mom has gotten sicker since I've been here.
I think I've gotten sicker since I've been here.

I don't know how to be around my parents and not regress to the worst parts of my childhood. I don't know how to stand up to my father. I don't know how to make my little brother stand up for himself, or how to talk sense into my older brother.

My worst fear is that I'll get a call from my grandmother saying that Heather left my father and he got custody of the baby and to please come home for a few weeks to help everybody settle down. Because I'll never leave. I'll spend the rest of my life in Many, raising my father's children for him. Looking down a steady line of mistakes, I'll tell myself, "I'll go back to school next year," but it will be another empty promise.

I'm not going to counseling. I lied to you. I'm sorry.

I'm never going to get better-- to resolve my past and move on into a brighter future.
My abuse will always haunt me.
There will never be a day that I don't relive it, and wonder what I could have done differently.
There will never be a day that I don't regret not dropping out of high school to become my little brothers' new mom.
There will never be a day that I don't look at Alex and simultaneously wonder if I'm worthy of him, of if I am just settling for second best.
There will never be a day that I look at my mother with respect.

And, you know what? That's just going to have to be okay.

My other worst fear is that the call will never come, and I will have to be responsible for my own life and decisions.
How do people grow up?
When does one become an adult?
When do I stop being a college student and become an educated adult?

I haven't figured out any of the problems that looked so simple just a few weeks ago.
I don't know how to heal.
I just use bandaids, and hope that someone will eventually take good enough care of me for me that I'll be able to just forget the experience altogether.

The truth is that I don't want to grow up.
It's too hard.
It's too sad.
It's too long a process.
And I just don't care enough to do it.

I'm sorry that I'm a bad girlfriend/ friend/ sister.
I'll do better, someday.

Durpy Doo.

If your stomach is not growling, you are gaining weight.
If you aren't always at least a little bit hungry, you are probably fat.

I've lost a little bit of weight.
I'm going to lose more.

I'm going to be pretty, someday.
I'm working on it.

Friday, December 17, 2010


I feel vulnerable. I feel fragile. I feel sensitive-- not moody, sensitive.

Things I do not like to hear when I'm feeling this way:
"You were so pretty over the summer." -- Complete Stranger.
"I used to pick on you because I knew you had potential. Now you're almost close to being okay." -- Relative.
*Plays MafiaWars every day, but refuses to text/ call/ communicate with daughter. --Father.
[...leave me alone...] and let me go to sleep. That'll make me happy. --Boyfriend.

And I know that I'm not being fair.
I know that all these feelings I've got already swirling inside me have got me more upset and hurt than I should be.

I just don't understand why he isn't as worried as I am.
Whenever I make passing jokes, he freaks out and gets a little sick to his stomach. But now that the Big Scare is really here, he just brushes off my concerns.
I know he has his own issues to be upset about. I just wish I were with him right now. I've never figured out how to be comforting long-distance. If I could curl up next to him and make him talk out his thoughts to me, I'd be useful. But phones are cold, and so is his tone when he tells me that I can't help him and he'd just like to sleep.

Things I've Decided This Week:
I will seek a counseling when I return to UNO.
Because Alex is right; it's probably the only free therapy I'll ever receive. I should take advantage of the offer.
And Katrina is right when she believes that she deserves help.
And I deserve help, too. This is the first time in my life where I feel that I am worthy of the option to reach out: for my sake, and for the sake of this relationship that I'm desperately clinging to.

And I'm going to overcome this.
I'm a rough and tough girl; I can do anything.
Just watch me.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Katrina Davis Is Really Inspiring.

Her blog, Life., has lately been about her husband's deployment to Africa, and her attempts to overcome a childhood abuse. She plans to reach out to her mother and tell her about this great atrocity, and just kind of let her family know about the pain she's been dealing with.

And I just feel like that's really brave.
Because I've always reached out to my peers with my problems; to people that, I feel, would take my problems at face value and not blow them out of proportion or underestimate them. I could especially never talk to my mom about something important. I'm just not that brave.

I think the single worst moment of my life happened at my father's house. I was sitting on his couch, crying, because he was telling me that I was "walking the wrong path," and that I would end up a drug addict and an alcoholic. This was at a time when I had never smoked a cigarette, never touched a single drop of alcohol, and never even thought about doing any sort of drugs. I was, however, anorexic and abusing dietary pills (which I don't consider to be recreational drug use.) My father had no idea I had these problems, he was just accusing me of doing the things he thought all teenagers did: the things he had done as a teen.
And I'm sitting on the couch, thinking of how unfair it is that I can't even fight back, can't defend myself, because everything I say he twists around to mean something else. I'm flustered and I'm angry-- at him for doing this, at myself for letting him, at Heather for sitting in the next room and ignoring us, at my mother for not fighting for custody of me-- and I can't even bring myself to look at him. I just sit there and think of all the angry words I could say but won't.
And my father ruined our relationship in one sentence, in one moment.
Because that conversation, that hour of me crying and him talking, I would have let that go. I would have forgiven him for that.
But when he looked me in the eyes and said, "You think you've been through a lot, but you haven't. You've been spoiled and taken care of your whole life. You don't know what pain is, yet," I knew that not only did my dad know nothing about me, but he didn't care too.
My dad never asked me about the years of my childhood he hadn't been around for. Didn't bother to catch up on the months he'd been in Aruba, dealing cocaine and living with prostitutes. Didn't know how I'd been treated the year he went to rehab. Didn't know that I had, in fact, been abused. Didn't know what had been going on in my life, and didn't really want to find out.
My dad had a preconceived notion that I had been living this pampered life of leisure, and that was the only reality he would ever accept.

I'm really proud of who I am.
It took me years to get there, but I eventually did. I've talked a lot about my childhood with Michael, who had to work hard to make me realize that the things that happened were not my fault. It was a rocky road that I had absolutely no adult guidance on.
John Scaife will never know about what happened to me. And, you know, that's okay. It's none of his business.

It's not like he was ever a real father, anyways.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Sort Of For My Mother:

In America, we have this weird thing where we think that aging is our fault, and that we can somehow prevent. And if you don't acceptably prevent your aging process, you have somehow failed yourself.

I think that's a load of crap.

I know that I've told you already, but my mother has a confirmed, medicated case of early-onset Alzheimer's.
Yesterday, when I told her that she is pretty, she responded with a list of things wrong with her appearance.
I giggled, because most of the things she listed were age related: wrinkles, gray hair, and the like.
But when I told her that, she just gave me this blank stare. So I clarified: "Everyone that's born has to eventually get old."
And she laughed and brushed me off and said something about hair dyes and plastic surgeon.

Something about it just really struck me: my Alzheimer's-stricken mother is seriously considering plastic surgery so that people won't know how old she is.
How silly is that? That this natural process is something that our society has made taboo? That our mothers and aunts and sisters are indoctrinated against?
I think we should all grow our gray hair out.
I think we should encourage wrinkles: they're a sign of wisdom, you know.
For that matter, living long enough to get old is a sign of wisdom.
Why is that a bad thing?
Show off your intelligence, relax and reap the benefits of all of the life lessons you've learned. Don't try to cover them up, don't try to escape into a younger generation.
You won't fit in there.
You're above them.


I am so determined.
You have no idea how skinny I'll be by the time this break is over.

I really like Texas.
I really like how dry it is, although my nose is going to start bleeding any minute now.
I really like my 6 month old puppy, Ubu, who is smart enough to step back over her leash if she gets her feet tangled up in it (oh, and she can balance dog treats on her nose.)
I really like my mom, all the time.
I really like Grady, when he's being nice.
I really like working, surprisingly.
I really like dieting. It makes me smile and feel like I'm finally doing something right.
I really like this "available 24/7" coffee maker I've got sitting on the kitchen counter.
I really like skiing (jk, you guys, I don't know yet. But I really like the idea of it.)
I really like our fireplace.
I really like my "bed."
I really like... well, a lot of things about being in Texas.

What I Do Not Like:
Missing Alex.
Missing Grace.
Missing Danny.
Missing Scott, Jonathon, Pope, Cody, and everyone.
Having nothing to do at my most active hours (Midnight.)
There are hundreds of channels and NOTHING to watch.
Being sad, sometimes, and not knowing why.
Getting angry and not having a means of expressing it.
Ubu will not sleep with me at night. She comes and cuddles for a few minutes, but won't stick around.

I've got goals for this break.
I'm going to get shit done.

I just, you know, want you know that I'm okay, and that I'm going to continue to be okay.

Monday, December 6, 2010


I have an anger issue. When I get angry, I become this nonsensical mass of rage and hatred, and nothing can calm me down. I become self-destructive and, in rare cases, violent (geared towards myself, never others.) This is a recent issue-- as in the last year and a half-- and it's one that really scares me. I've never really been an "angry" type of person.
When I was younger, I would get really upset about things that didn't even matter. I would literally cry for days at a time about stupid, petty things. Instead of growing out of that, it's just become progressively worse. I began to bottle up my anger, of which there was an abundance.
And now, now that I'm finally happy and content and have every reason to be the poster-child for success and smiles, that anger is draining out of me in the form of these uncontrollable outbursts.

I hate it.

I hate feeling like I don't have any sort of control over my own emotions.
I hate feeling like I'm a stereotypical "woman:" all sass and attitude.
I hate knowing that this is negatively affecting my relationships with my friends, family, and boyfriend.
However, I can't seem to think of any sort of solution.

It just feels like I'm all alone in this angry little bubble, and there's no way to pop it.

Monday, November 29, 2010

"I am going to take this bucket of water and pour it on the flames of hell, and then I am going to use this torch to burn down the gates of paradise so that people will not love God for want of heaven or fear of hell, but because He is God."
John Green (Looking for Alaska)

That's what Christianity should be.
It's the religion I so desperately want to be a part of it.

But, it Does Not Exist, and that's what makes me so uncontrollably sad on a daily basis.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Catgirl Cleans Things.

My sink is piled with dirty dishes.
Before Alex left, he kind of mumbled-whispered-asked that I do the dishes while he was gone at a Kappa Sig meeting.
So I made a gaia account, played jigsaw, and then did the dishes.
Not because I think the dishes really need doing: we have microwave-safe plates and bowls, plenty of clean silverware, and a ton of plastic cups. Not because the sight of my kitchen is appalling; because it always is, even with an empty sink. And not because I particularly felt like doing it (which, for the record, I did not.)
Just because Alex mumbled-whispered-asked me to.

And I think that's what being a grown up is.
It's falling in love, and being intelligent enough to know it.
It's doing unpleasant things, like dealing with week-old bacon grease and semi-chewed particles of food, and not complaining about them.
It's knowing that there is no garbage disposal, so I'll need to pour a few tablespoons of bleach down the drain soon.

I feel very housewife-y.
And I'm surprisingly okay with it.

I really love this boy.

Dear Blog:

Today, I'm just tired.
I'm writing a review essay for english, and the topic I chose is Looking For Alaska by John Green.
I've been googling quotes from the book heavily. The words are more and more ingrained into me by the day.

Today, I am upset.
For reasons I cannot discuss over the internet, my mother may soon be leaving Texas to live in New Orleans.
By "soon," I mean at the end of Christmas break in January.
If she moves, I will of course move in with her.
That means that I will no longer be living with Alex.
I will get a job and pay rent every month and help take care of the dog she is bringing with her.
When her Alzheimer's gets out of control, I will care for my mother, too.
And I knew that all of this was going to happen eventually. I just didn't it expect it my first year of college.

And I know that this makes me a bad person, but I feel like I'm inheriting my mother's problems. Like the decisions she made in life that were not healthy for her to have made (*mistakes) have led her into this early life-decline.

And I know that this makes me selfish, but I wish that my older brother would step in more.
That's what elder children are for: to take care of their parents in old age. I'm the middle and the only girl. It's shouldn't be my job.

I am only eighteen.
My mother is a good, intelligent, witty woman that has fucked up more than once over the years.
And I will, as always, put my own life on hold in order to help with hers.
And I will, as always, only write my complaints here, where they are safe and hidden from my family's judgmental eyes.
And I will, as always, find a way to make her happy when she hits rock bottom.

Because I'm the middle child, and the only girl, and the only one that cares.

Yesterday, Alex turn twenty years old.
Today, we joked about going onto the Maury show and having Alex propose to me on National Television.
Lately, we've been talking a lot about kids and houses and other such grown-up things.
We have only been dating for two months and one week.
There is something about Alex that makes me strive for longevity and permanence.
I've never been the marrying sort.
But if Alex and I can last through our college years, then we'll just have to see.

Last night, I went to a fraternity thing at one of the Brothers' house.
I helped and I did things and when I logged onto facebook this morning, only the girls that were sororities had been thanked for their efforts.
That really upsets me, for reasons I'm not fully aware of.
I will not ever join a sorority.
It simply will not happen.
Besides the monthly due being outrageously expensive, I just don't like any sorority girl I've ever met (besides Victoria, she's a sweety. But "one in a million" aren't very good odds.)
They tend to be stuck up and moody and prissy.
There's a certain social stigma that you have to match as a sorority girls, and they seem to encourage being exact replicas of one another.
I don't want to be a face in the crowd.
And I don't want Kappa Sig to throw me pity-thanks.
So I won't mention it to any of them.
I'll just keep doing what I've been doing and hope that someone will have the class and good grace to thank me.

Dear Blog:
I've missed you.

Friday, November 5, 2010


I haven't figured out the balance between "clingy" and "distant" yet.
I mean, I'm trying really hard not to invade Alex's life.

Sometimes, I think he doesn't care about our relationship.
And I know that's not true. He just isn't as needy as I am.
I feel bad about it.

I dunno.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

It's So Fucking Easy.

It's so, so, sooooo easy to slip back into bad habits.

Because "Sick" isn't pretty.
But "Skinny" is.
Thin legs and small waists and thighs not touching when you're standing straight and collarbones and smaller arms and thinner cheeks and wearing whatever you want because everything looks good on skinny girls is pretty.
And I want so badly to be pretty.

I just don't know where my lines are drawn, yet.
But I want these pictures to be of me.


Just when I thought I'd had college all figured out, it turns out that I have a whole 'nother semester to go. Life should come with a set of emergency instructions.
At the very least, I need someone to give me a definite list of options.
Srsly. I beast at multiple choice tests.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I'm scared that if I dye my hair brown, it will all fall out.
This thought is significant to my life.

That is all.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Fuck Fathers.

I almost dropped out of high school so that I could waste my life raising your kids, because you are the idiot asshole that never went to college and got laid off for three months.
I had to beg, literally BEG, gas money from complete strangers multiple times because YOU are too irresponsible to keep your promises and obligations to your child at boarding school a thousand miles away.
I spent every major vacation, from spring break to Christmas to summer, cooking and cleaning and changing diapers for whatever new kid you'd just popped out.
I did not complain when you knocked up a 21 year old girl.
I did not complain that it was the same girl you broke up with just a few months prior because "she was just too much like my daughter."
I did not complain about how, yes, creepy that is.
I did not argue with you, ever, about anything.
I did not fight with you over your repeated blocking of my mother from my phone for weeks a time.
I did not become angry when you informed me that I would have to attend community college or take out a loan, because you didn't have money to contribute to my education.

I don't even know what else to type.
I am literally the angriest I have ever been.

Because, you know, it just sucks.
To have a dad that calls my best friend's mom to cry about how much he misses me and how he regrets destroying our relationship and so on and blahblahblah, but can't be bothered to tell me that he's going to be less than ten minutes away from me for an entire weekend.
What if I had been on Bourbon?
Would you even have acknowledged me?
Would you have greeted me, your drunken girlfriend hanging from on arm, her purse on your other?
Or would you have just kept walking?

You're the shittiest father I can imagine.
I don't want you in my life anymore.

Where My Mouth Is

I got a strong will, just weak hands
And I don't know what to do with either of them.

I'm getting my driver's license renewed this week.
It's been expired since July 27th.
I hope they don't make me re-take the driving portion or written exam.

I'm less happy today than I was yesterday.
Happy, still, but less so.
It's an odd sort of roller-coaster.
But I'm getting used to it.

And all I ever did was look up to you
And all I ever did was let you down.

I really like Taking Back Sunday.
I really want to learn to play guitar.
I'm putting it on my Christmas wish-list.

My mom bought my plane ticket home today.
I'm leaving on the 11th of December.
I'll be Alex-less for approximately 30 days.
Which I'm sort of okay with.
But mostly scared of.
I'll get to see my puppies, though, whom I miss the shit out of.
And my mom, who has a confirmed diagnosis of Alzheimer's.
Which is scary as shit.
And my step-dad, who is probably still an asshole.

Alex and I are spending part of Thanksgiving with my dad's family.
I'm a little nervous about it.
For his sake, not their's.
My grandmother's opinion is the only one that really counts, and I know she'll love him.
But I'm afraid of Alex and my father meeting.
Especially considering that I haven't even spoken to my dad since June 10th.
It's going to be extremely awkward, and I just hate to put Alex in uncomfortable situations like that.

Think of all the fun you've had
The finest line divides a night well spent from a waste of time
Think of all the days you've spent with just your T.V. set and I
I can barely smile.

Janey Dixey came to visit me last night.
We hung out in Alex's apartment, drank cheap vodka, and talked about our lives.
She is the most beautiful person, ever.
I put her in the same category as Ashlyn and Blair.
She's going to come and see me after Voodoo, too.
We're going to cuddle and meld into a single being.
Because that's what everyone's doing, these days.

'Cause I'm a wishful thinker with the worst intentions
This will the last time you get to drop my name.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Say Hi To Your Mom.

Just breathe and mouth "goodbye"
If you want, I'll give you eternal life
Well, not so much life,
But have you ever seen a good zombie movie?
Well, like that, but you'll be smarter
And you'll stay twenty-three.

And I am gonna drink your blood.

I'm in love with this song.

Today, I am cleaning.
Alex went to a gun and knife show earlier today, and I told him I'd be leaving for my dorm room soon afterwards.
Yeah. Didn't happen like that.
I got caught up with the internet, and then it started to rain, so I played Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker for a while, and then I started cleaning, and then I decided to play some music on his laptop, but now I'm just on the internet again.
But I'll be cleaning again, soon.

My life is going really smoothly, right now.
I'm starting to get ready for Christmas.
Alex's birthday in coming up.
Voodoo is this weekend.

Everything is falling into place.

I'm so happy, I could die.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Alex and I sort of had a blow up a few days ago.
It hurt.
I did not like it.
So I moved out of his apartment.
I was really dragging my feet on it, but today my aunt visited, so I had to come over and clean a little and generally make it look like I live here. So all of my "required for daily life" stuff is over here now, and it's staying here.
I'm not sure how I feel about it.

I'm listening to a playlist I made last year.
Mmm, Archie Star.
"My life's a rainstorm of Iloveyou's,
I miss you standing in the puddles."

I still really want a tattoo.
Particularly, my Great Perhaps.
I'm changing the placement of it from my hip to my right wrist.
Because I like my hip, and I think it'd be awkward.
I'm also thinking of cutting my hair short, again.
I am definitely dying it red soon.

Alex is going to give me the Rosetta Stone programs Spanish and French.
I'm going to learn Spanish first, then start on French a few months later.
I'm hoping to make friends with a few international students and sort of use them to pratice on.
If I can learn at least one language, I can take its course and earn a few extra easy credits.
Plus, I'll need Spanish for when I open my coffee shop in Texas.
I've decided on a name: Roscoe's Place.
I'm going to get a rottweiler and name him Roscoe.
Cute, huh?
Hopefully, I'll be able to build the shop with a second story, which will be my house.

Then again, this is all several years into the future.

I'm staying hopefull.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I just don't understand.
And I never will.

I just feel so stupid, and so much like a failure.
Everyone saw it coming but me.

This always happens.

Friday, October 15, 2010


I guess you don't really need/ want an update on my life.
But I'm going to give you one.

I lost my virginity.
It's not recent, but I haven't really come out and said it yet. I'm kind of embarrassed. Talking about sex makes me feel trashy, and that's stupid: I'm in a committed relationship. It's not like I just gave it up to the first guy that walked into my life.
I don't know.

I started drinking, regularly and copiously.
I really like being drunk. And I don't understand "social" drinkers-- the people that drink one beer per hour for several hours. Mostly because I don't like beer. I prefer shots (but really, half a shot of everclear,) because it doesn't take much to get me where I want to be.
Less work, more pay-out just makes sense to me.

I guess I smoke.
Not really. I mean, I've so far had a grand total of seven cigarettes, ever. I'm not going to start buying my own packs, because that's expensive. But I do bum from my friends whenever they happen to be smoking.
I'm going to try to make it more of a hobby, and less of an addiction.

I'm starting to try lots of new things.
Alex keeps reiterating that this is college: it's the time to try various things out and see what works for you and what doesn't. It's time to kind of do the soul-searching, identity-finding thing.
And I'm still me. I thought that drinking and smoking and sex would change me, but it hasn't. I'm still loud, and I'm still obnoxious, and I still meow at everyone. I'm still Jordan.
I'm just drinking, smoking, sexing Jordan.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Today I Just Feel Like Writing

This is going to be really disjointed, and it may not make much sense. It's just a collection of things I've had on my mind, some more recently than others.

You never believe me when I call you cute. I guess it's okay, because I never believe you, either. It bothers me, though. And I guess it probably bothers you.
I don't know when, exactly, I got angry. It just reared up in me, swollen and red and isolated. I didn't want you near me. And it must have started at the beginning of the night, when I asked you not to get drunk and you did anyways. And maybe the stress of driving for the first time in New Orleans, without a valid license and with my best friend hanging out his car's window, drunker than I knew how to deal with, and you in the back seat, sobering but not quickly enough for my needs. I thought about us, and about me, and about you, and how we're so different. And I thought of my words to Michael: "He's not the affectionate type of guy that I'm used to. I gave up 'long-walks on the beach' and getting up at 5 o'clock to watch the sunrise when I met him. And I'm okay with that." Suddenly, I wasn't so okay with it. I was angry at you for not expressing your feelings for me better and more often, I was angry that you and I don't have the same ideals about romanticism, I was angry that it's common knowledge that when we separate, I'll be utterly destroyed while you have no problem moving on.
It hurt.
And when I hurt, I lash out.

So I lashed out. I told you to get away from me, and I hid my face from you and ignored your "please talk to me"s until Michael came back and you shut up because neither of us wanted to involve him in our drama.
And eventually I picked up your cigarettes and went outside to smoke, because I could, and because I hoped you would take the hint and not follow me. You did, anyways. So there was me, sitting on the stairs and ignoring you, and you and your quiet: "You won't even look at me." And me, ever proving you wrong, taking a drag and turning to stare you in the face. Then turning again and exhaling. Then getting up and leaving and going to bed, alone.
And you, an hour later, crawling into bed and curling into me, me instinctively wrapping myself around you. "I'm supposed to be your confidant. Confide in me."

So I kissed you. Not right then, but later, after the whispers and the almost-tears and the confessions. We could have just gone to sleep, but I kissed you instead. Because I'm better with my lips than with my words, and I'm not sure you'd ever understand, anyways.

I'm so fragile. Emotionally, you have me in the palm of your hand, and every squeeze goes straight to my heart.

And I'm not going to spend forever with you. We're smarter than that. But I live in dread of all of the "tomorrow"s I'll someday have to spend without you.

Friday, October 1, 2010

I Can Has A Home?

I may be a college-dropout soon.
See, I'm at UNO because I received two scholarships:

Jackson OS, which paid $2000 a semester, and was used for tuition, and
Privateer Merit, which paid $2000 a semester, and was used for housing.

Overnight, Jackson OS doesn't exist, and PM has been cut in half.
I had to pay $1500 out of pocket to be here-- which isn't that bad. However, I still had t scramble to find the money. My parents have really bad credit, and so couldn't cosign a student loan for me, effectively negating that as an option. And my federal aid never happened-- it was dependent on my dad and his side of the family sending in some documents, and I'm not sure they ever did.
So money is scarce.

Because of these cuts, I magically owe the university almost $4000.
In text: four thousand dollars.
I could barely get my hands on one thousand.

And the worst part is that no one ever told me.
In order to move in, I had to have a zero balance. So I know that as of August 19th, my scholarships were intact. But after that, anything is possible. I don't know how long I've owed all this money. No one ever emailed me or sent me a letter or dropped by my dorm or anything. There was no warning or notification.
And I can't pull that much money out of my ass at the drop of a hat.
And I'm scared to go down to the Bursar's office and confront them, because they have the right to kick me out on the spot if I can't supply the funds. And I'm scared of letting that four thousand just sit in my webstar account and fester, because they'll bill me at the end of the semester and I still won't have that much money. And I'm scared, overall, of having to pack up and go back home to Texas.

I don't want to leave Grace. If I have to live so far away from her again, I'll spend all of my days just vomiting acid on everyone.
I don't want to be so far from Michael ever again, either.
And I don't want to leave Danny. Or Kiefer, or Hattie, or David, or Dylan, or Travis, or Addy, or all three of the Alexs, but especially the important one.

And I just don't know what to do.
I don't think I'm cut out to be an adult.
I'm just afraid of the world and all the bad things in it, and I'm just so appalled, constantly by the way some people treat others. It baffles me, absolutely baffles me, how stupid some of my classmates are. I know it's mean to say, but it's true.
And I just find it incredibly unfair that the girl that compared Johnny Depp's sweat-beads and blue aliens to, uhh, a backmassage can afford college and I can't.
Because I feel like I'm pretty bright.
I'm not that great of a person, and I have no redeeming qualities, but I'm sufficiently intelligent. I can survive in the world.
But I can't survive in the workplace without a college degree, and I can't get a college degree without money, and I can't get money, period.

And I just need someone to tell me what to do.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Things I Wish For When I'm Sad:

To be a better person
To be a better girlfriend
To be a better bestfriend
To be a better friend-friend
To be a better communicator.

To not be so afraid of conflict
To not be so afraid of the world
To not be so afraid of expressing my emotions
To not be so afraid of everything falling apart at any moment.

To have self-esteem
To have faith in my environment
To have a healthier body
To have a healthier lifestyle.

Catgirl feels like shit today.
She's really sad and angry and confused and upset.
And she doesn't want to talk about it.
She just wants to nap until sundown and then roam the campus, looking for other sadmadconfused Catgirls.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


When I grow up, I want to be Ashlyn.
And John Green.
And a better person.
And a tiger, who gives hugs to old monks.
And happy.
And a poke'master.
And a survivor of the Zombie War.

But, mostly, Ashlyn.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Alex's house, Alex's boxers, Alex's Wii.
Alex pretty much takes up my life.
Except for nights like last night when I run away and get in the car with strangers and hide downtown where He Can't Find Me.

Because, I need my personal adventures.
Alex IS an adventure, but I need more than one adventure at a time.

My personal essay for English Comp is going to be about religion. I feel really uneasy about it, because I hate talking about religion in any sort of tone, much less a personal one, but I also feel like writing about it will force me to make some key decisions.
"Your boyfriend is hardcore atheist, is that going to influence your religious inclinations?"
Absolutely not.
That would be stupid. I remember being that stupid when I was young and naive and in 9th grade. I'm bigger and better than such silliness now.
"What's your current view on God?"
I really don't have an answer. It's just so, so hard for me to discuss something that I view to be an immensely private subject. I really just do not feel that it's appropriate for casual conversation. But, because I leave myself so little time to think about the big picture, I forget that I'll eventually run out of details and have to confront my beliefs (or lack of, thereof.)
Right now, I can honestly say that I believe in God. I am not a Christian, because I just do not agree with too many of the conformities and stereotypes that come with that label. I'm not at all sure whether or not I believe in Heaven or Hell, although I'm thoroughly convinced that I am n fact going to Hell.
Sometimes, I cry thinking about it.

And I don't know why I'm telling you nine dedicated readers this.
I feel so emotionally attached to this blog, to these entries, and I guess that I just need for you to know me. Not Jordan the cute, small girl that's sort of quirky and eccentric. And not Jordan the sassy bitch that constantly looks like she just woke up. And not Jordan the loud, obnoxious, too-drunk drunk girl.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

About Alex.

I will not take any criticism.
Let me make that perfectly, undeniably clear:
You Will Not Shit Talk My Boyfriend.

Besides the fact that you have never met Alex, and therefore have no basis for your dislike of him, your contempt stems from that fact that he's in a fraternity.
Grow up and go to college.
The Greek system is really fucked up. I've met several assholes from other fraternities, and don't even get me started on the sororities, but One does not mean All and just because they are perceived in a certain way doesn't mean that they are a certain way, and the thought that you would go around haphazardly labeling things like this has got me very upset.
Because Kappa Sig has thus far proved to be the exception, and not the rule. All the members I've met have been polite and have welcomed me as part of the group without question, based purely on the fact that I'm their new little sister. I'm investing a lot of time and emotion into becoming a part of the unit, and I've so far had a lot of success.
I really like them. They're really good guys.
None of them are the stereotypical, meathead, fratboy.

But, besides the fact that your nastiness is misplaced, why is my relationship any of your business?
I'm not your girlfriend. I'm not even your ex.
In fact, I have absolutely no place in your life.
We have never meant anything to one another, besides a sort of uneasy friendship.
Your newfound concern for my dating life is probably based on what you wanted and couldn't have (ie: unrequited feelings.)

And I get that. Really, I do.
However, that doesn't excuse your behavior.
My "douchey, alchy, jocky fratboy" is my boyfriend.
Whether or not he actually is a jock or a douchebag (I'm not even sure what "alchy" means,) is none of your business, nor is why/ how I came to be dating him.

Alex is super important to me.
He is, without a doubt, the best thing that could happen to me at this point in my life.
I don't know how to express that without sounding like a lovesick teenager, because that's exactly what I am and I am happily embracing it.
We will probably not be together forever. We probably won't be together for a very long time.
But, while we are dating, I expect you to respect our relationship.
And you should expect that I will defend it to the best of my ability, especially when the attack is invalidated.

tl;dr: Get your fucking nose out of my business, Taylor.

Friday, September 10, 2010

No lies.

I've never lied. I'm really drunk right now.
Kappa Sig definitely knows how to throw a party.
I'm trying so hard to be coherent.

Alex is my boyfriend.

See you in the morning.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I've broken down.
I don't know how to make links.

Cute, huh?
Ask me lots of questions. I'm interested to see what you're interested in.
I promise to answer every question as honestly as possible, even if it's to tell you to fuck off.


Monday, September 6, 2010

I Spent 30-Something Hours With a Boy

And that sounds ridiculous, but it wasn't.
I am thoroughly convinced that it's the best way to get to know someone.
You guys, I'm just so happy right now. I don't even have the words to explain (and I ALWAYS have words.) He makes me feel so special.
It's been so long since anyone made me feel special.
I really, really like this.

(Oh, and I got real shitty last night, for the first time.
We were right about the beer vs. liquor.)

Meowmeowmeow, time for breakfast.
Time to load Say Hi To Your Mom onto my iPod.
Time to do homework.

(College is really getting in the way of my college life.)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

I'm Not Correcting The Last Post's Grammar.

I wrote it on my cellphone at 2 am in my bed, continuously fighting back droopy eyes and yawns. I wanted to write it with all of my thoughts still swirling around, because that's when I feel the most honest.
To clarify: "Jordan" is Jordan "Silverfox" McClum. She used to have blonde hair, but she uses old lady shampoo to turn it silver. It looks surprisingly natural.
She's a really nice girl and an overall inspirational person. She makes me feel really good about myself. I'm hesitant to call her a friend, though, because I'm terrified that as I warm up to her, she'll somehow disappear out of my life.
It's weird to think about Jordan and her silver hair and her anti-shaving, because it makes me look at myself in those aspects with those traits. And though I will probably never dye my hair silver, I might stop shaving. And I might stop caring about the role society wants me to fill. And I might spend less time being socially conscious and more time fulfilling my wants and needs.

My first step into that is a boy. I'm not naming names, because I'm silly and believe in jinxs. But, wow. What a connection. What an interesting person. What a- well, I could go on for a long time. I'm remaining cautiously hopefull.
I have no idea what I'm doing tonight.
Last night, I went to Decadence and to a gay bar and some old man told me that I have nice titties (which, of course, I already knew,) and the gay boy I was with told me that I have the hair, the face, and the boobs to get whoever and whatever I want in life.
I'm not sure if that was a compliment or a warning.
Then I went to a Frat party and everyone told Mears, Danny, Parker, and I that we didn't have to join a fraternity or sorority in order to go to all of their parties.
So, I guess I'm not joining one. (That is partially a joke.)

I'm making friends here, slowly but surely.
Danny and Mears are inseperable, and I'm okay with that.
We took a nap together yesterday. All sprawled ontop of one another like one big happy family. And that's what we are: happy. I'm okay with college.
I'm confident that I'm going to be able to work through whatever problems may come up.
And if I don't meet the boy of my dreams, I Will Survive, because I's an independant womanz.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Most Of This Is True

I hate introduction paragraphs. Let's skip ahead:

I'm walking Jordan to Milneburg, which I haven't been in since beforethe occupation, and she's telling me about her life.
Like Mear's friends so months ago, Jordan is not even two sentences in when I realize that is so far out of my league, it's unfair to mention. She is the strong, confidant woman I want to be. She's 17, but she looks 19 and she acts as though she's 24, and I love it.
I'm sort of addicted to Mother Figures, if you hadn't noticed. I love the idea of someone always watching out for me. It makes me feel less responsible for my actions, so that I can hold onto the scraps of childhood for just a little bit longer.

Flash forward and I am writing on mom's buttcheek a short note that basically represents my acceptance of Danny into our pseudo-family. I'm not sure he'll see it, but it was an emotionally gratifying experience for me.

Flash forward:
I'm watching these kids drink cheap wine and try to make a gravity bong (which I cannot define or describe, because I have no idea what it is,) but they can't because people keep walking by, so they eventually rolled a blunt and just chilled.
We took lots of pictures. I feel self-conscious, especially in front of Kyle. Idunno why, he just seems to be on a level higher than me. It makes me uncomfortable and makes me want to be his best friend.
Keifer is really into his "big brother" roll. I appreciate him so much.
Jordan tells me that I'm a cute girl, I've got alot going for me, and that I'm going to be happy here.

Flash forward:
I've always looked twice at marshall, and not in a bad way. Now I feel tongue-tied as he forces me to scootch over and share chairs with him, casually draping an arm around my shoulders and polietly flirting.

Flash forward:
Danny insist that I spend time with he and mears. He has not read the notes. I feel hopefuly for our future, and for my college experience.
I'm sitting on this beach, watching these guys drink

We Should Not Be Okay.

What bullshit.
Nothing is safe. Nothing is sacred.
Nothing is off-limits or taboo.

Humanity makes my heart ache.
If I could do it all over again, I would have been born a rock.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A Song About the Ocean

You are my forever boy
Sunken into ocean nights
Ten-thousand Iloveyou's under the sea
Where jellyfish are jealous of our sky-filled eyes.
Take me on an exodus:
Would-be, could-be
Should have been a gutterpunk:
I was born to roam with room to spare
I've become the lion, but I'm still afraid of bears
(Lions and tigers
And lions and bears.)
Humidity sticks your handprints
To the the backs of my eyes and my brain
I'm your Barefoot Contessa
Leaving no marks in the sand.
Footprints: lighter than wishes and snowflake kisses
Each grain crying out,
"I miss you, I miss you,"
Patiently waiting as I never could
"I miss you, I miss you,"
And someday you'll see it'll always be true.
Where has all the time gone?
Yesterday's lovers meet today's aquaintences
And no one ever likes what they're forced to see
They're safe and sound, underground
Blue submarine boys and yellow-shoed girls
All the same, all unique
All-knowing, snarky, teenaged-fashion
My soul is too old
And your heart is forever young
Meet in-in-in the middle
Because I'm terrible with beginnings
And you hate loose ends
(I hope I've made you smile)
Before casting off into the waves, forever
And it's true. Someday you'll see it'll always be true--
"I miss you, I miss you,"
And someday you'll see it'll always be true.

I wish I were actually good at writing.
I wish I could play guitar.
You have no idea how much time I'd devote to this sort of thing.

Monday, August 30, 2010

So Then I Wrote a Song/ Poem.

You are my forever boy
Sunken into ocean nights
Ten thousand Iloveyou's under the sea
Where jellyfish are jealous of our sky-filled eyes.
Take me on an exodus,
Would-be, could-be,
Should be a gutterpunk
Born to roam with room to spare:
I am a lion, but I've always been afraid of bears.

And it's not my favorite thing I've ever written.
I don't really think it's bad, but it certainly didn't merit being posted.
Still, it's really important to me.
Mostly because it isn't about anyone.
And love meaningless, but heartfelt, shit.

Listening to a playlist Micahel made for me.
Sickickick. Sociololology sooon.
Maybe I'll write something better there.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Friends At College

I might start smoking (partial joke.)
I spend about 98% of my social time at the Pussy Palace Plaza, the smoking area between the North and South Halls.
Mostly, this is because Mears is my best friend, and I pretty much am attached to her hip, and she spends a lot of time there because she spends a lot of time smoking.
Partially because it's a high-traffic area, so I'm bound to meet someone new every time I go.

And it works.
It just feels weird and stupid, sitting there watching everyone smoke and not smoke myself.
Especially because I've always loved cigarettes. Everything about them: the smoke, the smell, how it tastes in a boy's kiss. I love the little flowers Karen would make for me out of the filters. I love sitting in circles with smokers and listening to their, "Problems I have because I smoke," stories.

Apparently, I have to drink a lot to get drunk.
We think I'm a liquor person.
No back story, just fact.

I met a boy named Kyle today.
Mears and I have seen him around campus before. He always look a little lofty, like he's set himself on his own pedestal. I won't speak for Mears, but I felt really intimidated by him. Socially secure people are always so intimidating to me, because they know how to handle themselves in ways that I will never understand. I hate being one person in the crowd. I am NOT a leader. I'd much rather take orders than give them.
I don't think that's a bad thing. I don't think it makes me a sheep. I do think that being aware of this personality trait makes me self-aware, which makes me more mindful of the situations I place myself in.
That makes me overall a safer, more reliable person.
But, anyways, I finally got around to talking to Kyle today. I mustered up all the courage in my teeny-tiny heart and told him, "You are really intimidating, like a shark in the waters. What do you DO at this school?"
He laughed. He laughed really hard.
And we got to talk, and he is a little arrogant, but he's also a nice person, and intelligent, and not even half as mean as I thought he was. It turns out that, sort of like me, he has the weird social anxiety that makes him WANT to make friends with others, but doesn't permit him to initiate things.

How sad would it have been if I'd gone these next few years without learning that about him? Just hating him for being so cocky and such an asshole, based only on the perception of him being "too good" for us?

So, I'm going to try to do better from here on out.
Michael told me that he almost confronts people into introducing himself, and that some people get really scared and scamper away, but that some people have become pretty good friends with him through that method.
Of course, you know that Michael is my rolemodel.
And that every word he says is straight out of the Bible, as far as I'm concerned.
And that when he suggests something, I adopt it almost as a personal mantra.

So I'm taking this confrontational, progressive method of his and fine-tuning it to my smallness and cuteness and childish-ness, and I'm going make a lot of friends because Michael said so.\
(I really like that I began and ended a sentence with the same word. I'm sure it's not grammatically correct, but this is my blog and I don't care.)

Also, I met Alex today.
On Monday morning when I was really excited about classes, I was walking to Milenburg and he was walking to somewhere else. I had on my yellow and pink shoes, he was wearing a likewise yellow and pink shirt. We matched. We briefly discussed it. We parted ways.
In the cafeteria, while waiting for Michael to finish making his breakfast sandwhich and for Mears and Danny to show up, he sat down alone a few tables over.
And of course Michael has just-a-few-minutes-ago given me this friend-making advice.
So of course I invite him over and explain that I hate to eat alone, and wouldn't want him too.
And of course he informs me that he has absolutely no social anxiety, or any problems eating alone, but spends a very enjoyable brunch with my and my two best friends and Danny (whom has an undetermined position in my social life and thus cannot be named yet.)

Also, I met Carl.
He is twenty-two, and a freshman. He took a few years off to care for his grandparents, because he's an only child and they had no one else to do it. However, his grandfather recently passed, and his grandmother requires medical assisstance that cannot be achieved from home, so he had to put her in a nursing home, where he frequently visits. He wrote a poem about how ignorant people that listen to rap music are. On my walk through South Hall (because it is about five bajillion times more interesting than North,) he invited me to a game of ping pong, and I countered with an invitation to walk around campus in the rain. Mine obviously being the better idea, he accepted. We walked around for at least an hour.

Then, I met Nicky and his girlfriend-- God forgive that I don't remember her name-- who spin poi and do hoolahoops. I don't really understand how one "does" hoolahoops, but I guess that's a personal decision. We talked about SEGA and nintendo and ps1, because we were all feeling nostalgic. This was right before I talked to Kyle for the first time, and is probably the catalyst for my unusal courage. They were really sweet. We were all at the Pussy Palace Plaza (a fake name that only Mears, Keifer, and I use. Keifer was our first college friend, by the way, but he doesn't spend much time with us anymore. I miss him.)

I don't really want to start smoking. I love being able to breathe properly.
But I really am addicted to nicotine already, and second hand smoke is way worse. Actual smoking would be, as a matter of scientific fact, the healthier decision.

I have no romantic feelings for anyone on this campus.
I don't know why I can only make friends with boys.
Girls are just too much of a wall to tackle right now.
I'll just stick to Momma and Nicky's girlfriend, whose name I will soon relearn.

I've written this just to let you know that I. Am. Okay. And that I will continue to be okay until there is no more kay to oh. And that I remember you, and I love you still.
And that I always will.

Monday, August 23, 2010


I guess I should rename this blog.
Since, you know, I don't write in English IV anymore.
I haven't in a long while.
(But I think it's sort of catchy. So I'll leave it alone.)
In one day, I am poor.
My math book is gonna coast one hundred and nine dollars.
That's crazy. CRAZY. And I can't buy it used because there's a stupid, expensive software that comes with it that is required for the class.
So. Fuck.

But there are a lot of nice people on campus.
One guy wore a matching yellow and pink shirt to my yellow and pink converse.
He was a film major. I don't even know his name.
But I hope I see him around.
Because I need friends. I thrive off of them
Butreally. I love having friends. I love my friends. Ineedyou.

Meow. I hope that Michael comes to visit this weekend.

Say Anything is one of my favorite bands.
I might buy a lot of white tshirts and make Bandfron9thGrade shirts.
Because my 9th band bands are so cute.
Senses Fail, Say Anything, Panic! At the Disco, Fall Out Boy.
Those were the days, man.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

College food

Mears and I did not eat on Thursday.
We ate pizza with her parents for lunch on Friday, but didn't eat breakfast or dinner.
I mean, we were hungry.
We were HUNGRY.
We just couldn't figure out how to use our meal plans, and neither of us wanted to ask.

(What? You would rather starve than feel slightly embarrassed by being a freshman? That's silly!)
Well, this isn't you blog. Or your life. So you can just get gone, mister.

Today we ate a lot. On the weekends, subway and chick-fil-a, and all those other places aren't open. The only place you can get college food at is the all you can eat buffet.
We tried so hard not to eat too much, because freshman fifteen isn't cute.
And I guess we succeeded? And walking back to the dorms felt like a work out, so I guess we sort of almost burned it off?

I could have gone out a socialized after Mears went to the mermaid party, but I just sat around our dorm instead. After a while I went downstairs for a bottle of water and ended up discussing movies and music with Robert for an hour.
He's alright. Really, really sketchy, but alright.

(Robert used to work in a strip club as an announcer.
He is thirty years old, a freshman, and almost completely bald.
He doesn't go anywhere with his black fedora.
He has a pretty gnarly beard.
But, he likes Eminem. So, we're not going to be very good friends.)

I just want to get drunk and giggle.

Good night, everyone.

B U T I M N O T T H A T C U T E.

There are a lot of really cute boys in college.
But, for every cute boy, there's three really cute girls.
I am out numbered.
And awkward.
And sort of boring.

I'll never find a cute boy.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm such a shitty friend. You've done so much for me, and I never do anything in return.
You're my rolemodel.
And I'm a failure.
You're so, so important to me, and I just can't be like you in the ways that I want to be. I don't know the right words or how to comfort people. I don't know how to not be selfish and whiny and self-centered.
I've spent these years trying to live up to your image, and now I realize that I can't. That I'll always be too lazy to really try and make things work.

I need you.
I'm losing you.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Sometimes, I hate me.

My mom has to get an MRI scan done next month.
I'm not sure what, exactly, they're looking for, but not finding it confirms Alzheimer's.
I don't know if I'm spelling anything correctly, because I'm sitting outside with my puppies, watching them chew on a stick.
It's amazing how they each have distinct personalities.
They're like furry little people.
I wish I could take one of them to UNO.

(I know I'm straying from the original topic.
It's an attempt to stop crying before I even start.
It's not working.)

When I was fourteen, I told my Granny that I don't want scientist to find a cure for cancer. I'm not donating money to boobs. I'm not walk of diming.
Because without all of these medical conditions, the world will become overpopulated to the point of starvation and the end of the human race.
And I've always thought that tornadoes and hurricanes and tsunamis are the Earth's way of culling the crowd, of helping us do what our morals will not allow us to do.
And my Granny said that if my mother ever developed a brain tumor, I'd feel differently.
"No, I won't. I'll feel very sad, because I love my mom. But everything happens for a reason. We aren't meant to never be sick, and we all have to die."

I still feel that way.
What's more is that I feel like this is divine wrath, striking down on me because I tempted fate in the car with my grandmother four years ago.

I want my mother to have the best possible care.
I want her to smile every day.
And I can't ensure that she will if I'm in New Orleans.
But if I don't get an education, I won't be able to provide for her. And if I stay in Texas, I'll go straight into the job market, and won't bother with an education.
So I have to go to New Orleans.

(That's a cop-out, isn't it?
Be honest. You think I want to go so that I won't watch my mother turn into a shell of a person.)

My mom is so bright.
She just so intelligent and helpful and wonderful.
And now I'm realy crying, because there are women in the world who mollest their children, who kill innocent people, who do such terrible things.
My mom did drugs when she was younger.
But she did the right thing and checked herself into rehab, settled down with kids, and got her life on track.
She did all the right things, you know?
And she always took care of her kids. Even when she should have kicked Billy out and told him to grow up, she didn't, because she loves us too much.
She always done her best. Not everyone does.
But she's the one that has to pay.

It's not fair. Nothing is fair.
I feel like all the hope has been drained out of me.
I'm to emotional for this shit.
I'll see you in the morning.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I'm not going to talk about the tattoo I'm getting extremely soon, because I don't want to jinx it.
However, I feel like my future tattoos are extremely relevant to me, and to my blog.

I've been googling John Green quotes for three hours.
He is an absolutely amazing man, and a brilliant author.
I'm disappointed in myself for not having read all of his books already.

One of his books that I have read is his most famous:
Looking For Alaska.
I know that the main character of a story is supposed to be relatable.
You're supposed to read him and say, "Yes. Yes, I agree. Yes, that is me in character form. This book is about me."
But I relate so, so much to Pudge. From the way he fell so quickly for a girl he couldn't have, to his inner debates of religion and fate, to his general out look on life.
I fell in love with Pudge just as quickly as I fell for Alaska.
And I was just as heartbroken, just as teary-eyed and cracked-souled as he was when she died.

But when Pudge said the following words, I knew that he was not a character.
I knew that Pudge is a real boy-- almost a man-- somewhere in the world.
And that, eventually, I will find him, and we'll live happily ever after.
Because I'm not Alaska Young.
I'm nothing like her.
If people are rain, and she is a hurricane, I'm the mist that rises from the pavement after the rain hits the hot summer asphalt.
I don't have a life library, and I don't drink Strawberry Hills wine.
Alaska is Alaska. And I'm just Jordan. And Pudge is just Pudge.
But I think Pudge and Jordan would go great together.

What Pudge said that made me understand all of this was:
Thomas Edison’s last words were: "It’s very beautiful over there." I don’t know where there is, but I believe it’s somewhere, and I hope it’s beautiful.

I don't have an explanation for why that struck me as hard as it did.
But I know that it did.
Earlier on, Pudge talks about Thomas Edison’s Great Perhaps, and how he-- Pudge-- wants to start searching for it before he's on his deathbed.
"I go in search of the Great Perhaps."
Like Pudge, I want to start searching in this world, rather than in the next.
I'll know it when I find it.
I will look at my Great Perhaps, and it won't be a Perhaps at all.
It will be a Great Change, a Great Difference, and it will change and make a difference on the course of my life, starting at that point.
I'll be better for it.

To return to the entire point of this blog, at some point in my life, I want to tattoo Great Perhaps on my right hip in white ink.
Because although it's not always clearly in sight, the Great Perhaps is always there, waiting for me to find it.

Monday, August 9, 2010

I don't understand anything.

My parents are fighting right now.
I can hear their voices, but not the words, and that's the most frustrating thing in the world.

My mom spent three hours going back and forth from a psychiatrist to a doctor to a hospital.
The overall diagnosis is that she has one of three problems:
1: Because she's been smoking since she was thirteen, it's likely that the nicotine's affect on her brain is beginning to take the form of memory problems and general clumsiness (the area that nicotine affects ((effects??)) is the same as deals with memory.)
2: She may have thyroid disease/cancer (I forget which, and I don't feel like googling.)
3: She's in the beginning stages of Alzhiemer's (Because, even though she's only 46, it's not unheard of people as young as her to develop it. And, my great-grandmother has it, so there's a family history.)

And now I can hear Grady saying, "None of this is NEW. What's NEW is you using it as an excuse to be LAZY."

I don't understand why people argue.
Because I just don't-- argue, that is.
I mean, I facebook drama.
But when tensions rise face to face, I become this doormat for every and anyone to walk all over.
I just sit there, and I think about all of the things I could say, all of the witty come backs I could make, but I don't say them because I'm so small.
I'm not fragile, by any means.
But I am sort of like your mom's favorite vase.
If I hit the carpet, I'm not going to break, but you shouldn't throw me anyways.

If that makes any sense at all.

I wish I knew what communication is.
I just think it's so pointless.
All these words, all these phrases, all these punctuation marks.
None of it can accurately convey my thoughts and feelings to you.
You'll never understand what I'm really talking about.
And I will never understand you.
And that's just so incredibly sad to me.

I think that finding your soulmate is less about love and more about the one person in the world that DOES understand.
Maybe not exactly, but they come so so so close that it doesn't even matter.
That little 20% of not understanding is unimportant because no one else has a percentage that small. The rest of the world is floating in the 80's and 90's, but there's this one person that's worked their way up into the 20's and on some days into the teens.
I want that.
Not today, or tomorrow.
But eventually.
I want someone to understand me the way I need to be understood.
Because until someone understands me, everything I say will be completely pointless.

Gibberish is funny, but it doesn't teach you anything.
It's just gibberish.

And I don't want to talk gibberish.
And I don't want to marry a man I argue with every day.
And I don't want to have five bajillion kids that I can barely afford.
And I don't want to sleep on the sofa forever.

I want a man, a house, and three dogs.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


I'm not a lesbian, but Ashlyn Ervin is pretty much the coolest person ever.
I don't know how to make links, so I'll just leave a url:

If you're not subscribed to Mony, Mae I? you should do it ritenao.
Seriously. She's the best writer I've ever read.
And the coolest fucking person you will ever, EVER have the privledge to meet.

Friday, August 6, 2010

On the Subject of Tanning.

Do. Not. Want.

My mom is tanning right now.
She looks really good when she's tan: she doesn't get that weird bronze-y color, she just get brown. But coco brown, not poo brown. And it's hot.
But I hate that she uses tanning beds.
One session in a tanning bed increases your chances to develope skin cancer by more than 50%. My mom works in the sun-- when she goes to work, that is. That alone makes puts her at risk. Why double your chances just to look good?

I'd rather live pastey white than die beautifully bronzed.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I can hear my parents having sex.

My yellow converse are the bombdiggity. I have never seen, much less owned, a more awesome pair of shoes. I'm almost afraid to wear them.

I owe my college $1,048.50.
(I know that I've mentioned this before, but I hate that there is no "cent" sign on a keyboard. What sort of bullshit is this?)
I do not have that much money.
Well, I do, but that's just tuition. I also need books. And money to walk around and lose bets with street vendors. If a redbull cost five bucks, and I buy one every day, that's over a thousand dollars a year.
So, really, I need two thousand dollars (one for tuition, and one for energy, for those of you not keeping count.)

I'm going to college. I just am.
And people keep saying that I'm only going to UNO because Mears, Michael, and I applied together. This is fiction, not fact. I'd still be going even if they weren't-- and Michael isn't.
I hate when people make up stupid things to justify my decisions.

I wish I had a boyfriend.
The fact is, I will probably have to celebrate one year of being single. This is the second time I've done this. My friends say, "You're so cool and sweet and quirky, anyone would be lucky to have you." Yeah? Well, why hasn't Anyone found me yet? Because if he asks, I'm willing. I have really low standards.
As in, despicably low.
If you're not a convict, or a total creeper, I will probably date you.
That "probably" is my standard.

I'm not desperate.
I'm just a 100%, no nonsense type of girl.
I don't do the "dark and mysterious" shit. I don't play chase-and-be-chased games (except hide and go seek.)
If I like you, I'll tell you, and from then you get to make your decision.
And if you lead me on, I'll be really pissed off.
And if you date my roomate, I'll be really pissed off.
And if you tell other people that I tried to take things too quickly, I'll be really pissed off.

Other than that, we'll have a really healthy, happy relationship.

YAAAAAAAAWN. I am so sleepy.
good night.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

But I'm Not Ungrateful?

When I was a kid, I was very small, and had a very quiet heart.
And, it's tough, being both small and quiet.
If you're a mouse, you get eaten by the lion.
So I had to act loud. Be as loud and as obnoxious as possible so that no one would ever guess at how tiny I really was.
And that was tough too, to go completely against my nature.
I just want to whisper and mouse around and be too little for anyone to notice, too little for anyone to bother or antagonize.

I just want to be smaller than I ever can be.

I didn't ask for anything.
I didn't even accpet an offer.
I didn't do anything wrong.

I said a mean thing.
You said twenty.
I will always defend Michael.
No one gets to talk shit about him.
You have no idea what he's done for me, what a good friend and person he is.
You have no idea what has happened to me and to my life.
You do not know me.
You do not get to judge me.
You certainly are allowed to be mean to me, because I mostly deserve it.
But you do not get to be unreasonable and irrational, and then complain that I am immature.
I am immature. I am seventeen, almost eighteen.
I am a good kid, with a good head on my shoulders and my heart in the right place.
I know that.
I do.
I do.
I do.
And you do not get to make me second guess myself.
I will change.
Not because anyone asked, but because everyone needs to change.
But even after, when I'm a new person, shiny with an extra coat of gloss on top, you will still not be allowed to talk badly about Michael in front of me.
You will still not be allowed to push my buttons.
Because I will push yours in return.
And you have bigger buttons than I do.

I don't mind wandering around a mine field.
I always cheat at that game, anyways.
But, I wish you would go ahead and blow me up.
It would be so much easier to press F1 and move on.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

These are the things that make me smile:

My puppies, obviously. Leilu and Ubu. Therearesocute, it's ridiculous.
Mears, my stylin' hot cat momma.

4chan: The internet hate machine.

Micahel/BrownBear/Shadow Stump. He is my role model.

And Taylor, because even though we no longer flirt, I still think he's cute.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

I H A T E T H I S.

Sometimes, I just get mad.
I feel like I don't deserve to talk to the only person I want to talk to.

Because Michael just puts up with so much shit from me, and I'm never able to return the favor. I'm not as good with words as he is, and he's way too intelligent for me to be advising. It seems like whenever I have a problem, he makes me restate how I feel in a different, less emotionally charged way, so that I can look at the situation from a different perspective. And then he makes a corny joke, to get me laughing, so that the scenario isn't so upsetting.
And I understand that. I understand the technique and how it works, I just can't seem to apply it. I admire Michael so much that whenever the friendship tables are turned and I should be comforting him, I get so tongue-tied and end up tripping all over my words. An effort to please him quickly goes south, and I end up this colossal failure.
But, I don't mean too, you know? I can't help the high esteem I hold him in, and the pedestale I put him on. It's a natural reaction to seeing all of the traits that I'd like to have in another person. He really is my role model.
And I just want to make him proud of me.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


I love 4chan. I am a channer. I have done ridiculously extensive research on 4chan and it's histories. I know all of the dates and unoffical "names" for the biggest raids and creations of the biggest memes. I can pretty much make a timeline directly linking moot's apathy and lack of snacks to the newfag infestation. I have knowledge.
But, I'm not a part of the internet hate machine. A cat is fine, too, but one cat leads to another, and I'm just not ready for lions. I'm not hateful enough to go on raids. I'm like a history teacher: I don't really do anything noteworthy, but if you have questions, I can answer them.
Also, encylopedia dramatica. Also, shoutout to Shelby, who's recent plunge into /b/rotherhood inspired this post. Also, MMMM, INSANITY WOLF.

Monday, July 12, 2010


I am going to college. I am.
I have to.

The problem now is that, apparently, MSA has not sent in my final transcript.
That is bullshit. I am angry that MS-Gay, who I am done with forever, is still impacting my life in negative ways. So I am going to call the Y-Hut tomorrow, and if whoever picks up doesn't say, "Oh, we mailed it yesterday :DDD," I am going to throw a bitchfit the likes of which has no human measurements.
Because I am going to college. I am.

Taylor has definitely fired me from my "Flirtfriend" position.
I am not as upset as I thought I would be.
I mean, he is cute and sweet and pretty much everything I want in a guy.
But I am intelligent. We wouldn't have worked out. Case closed.

I watched "Under the Tuscan Sun" today. It's a pretty cool chickflick.
Then I watched "Reservior Dogs." There is a God. His name is Quentin Tarantino.

By now, you have all seen pictures of the adorable two yellow lab puppies we bought. Mom named her's Leelu, and Grady named his Ubu. They are the perfectest little girls ever.
Leelu is really sleepy all of the time, but every now and then she gets this incredible burst of energy that lasts for like five minutes, and then she plops onto the ground and goes back to sleep. Ubu is a lot more rambunctious. She is high energy right up until the moment her cute little eyes close and she passes out. They both had their first "swimming" experience a few days ago, and although Leelu was clearly the better swimmer, Ubu was more excited about it. Now she tries to get all four paws into her water bowl whenever she drinks out of it.
Puppies spend a lot of time drinking.

I still haven't spoken to my dad, but when I was on the phone with Granny, Heather said to tell me that she loves me. So I guess all's well that ends well?
Or maybe they just haven't figured out to kill me in my sleep yet.
Either way, my granny is super excited for me to be going to college in Louisiana still, and is going overboard to show her support for me: "You know you're always welcome in my house," (which implies that I'm not welcome in my daddy's) and, "You know I love you," (which implies that no one else does.) I told her that I am not visiting her this summer, but that I will come the first weekend that I can.
Although, I don't know how I'll do it, since I won't have a car until second semester.

Mears and I are seperated lovers. We are Romeo and Juliet, and our states are our parents. If Texas and Mississippi were next to each other, maybe we could see each other. But no, Louisiana sits between us.
The difference is that if one of us kill ourselves, the other probably still wouldn't get to attend the funeral. That sucks.

Nom nom nom, milk time. Good night, blog readers.