Monday, December 13, 2010

Sort Of For My Mother:

In America, we have this weird thing where we think that aging is our fault, and that we can somehow prevent. And if you don't acceptably prevent your aging process, you have somehow failed yourself.

I think that's a load of crap.

I know that I've told you already, but my mother has a confirmed, medicated case of early-onset Alzheimer's.
Yesterday, when I told her that she is pretty, she responded with a list of things wrong with her appearance.
I giggled, because most of the things she listed were age related: wrinkles, gray hair, and the like.
But when I told her that, she just gave me this blank stare. So I clarified: "Everyone that's born has to eventually get old."
And she laughed and brushed me off and said something about hair dyes and plastic surgeon.

Something about it just really struck me: my Alzheimer's-stricken mother is seriously considering plastic surgery so that people won't know how old she is.
How silly is that? That this natural process is something that our society has made taboo? That our mothers and aunts and sisters are indoctrinated against?
I think we should all grow our gray hair out.
I think we should encourage wrinkles: they're a sign of wisdom, you know.
For that matter, living long enough to get old is a sign of wisdom.
Why is that a bad thing?
Show off your intelligence, relax and reap the benefits of all of the life lessons you've learned. Don't try to cover them up, don't try to escape into a younger generation.
You won't fit in there.
You're above them.

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