Thursday, September 2, 2010

Most Of This Is True

I hate introduction paragraphs. Let's skip ahead:

I'm walking Jordan to Milneburg, which I haven't been in since beforethe occupation, and she's telling me about her life.
Like Mear's friends so months ago, Jordan is not even two sentences in when I realize that is so far out of my league, it's unfair to mention. She is the strong, confidant woman I want to be. She's 17, but she looks 19 and she acts as though she's 24, and I love it.
I'm sort of addicted to Mother Figures, if you hadn't noticed. I love the idea of someone always watching out for me. It makes me feel less responsible for my actions, so that I can hold onto the scraps of childhood for just a little bit longer.

Flash forward and I am writing on mom's buttcheek a short note that basically represents my acceptance of Danny into our pseudo-family. I'm not sure he'll see it, but it was an emotionally gratifying experience for me.

Flash forward:
I'm watching these kids drink cheap wine and try to make a gravity bong (which I cannot define or describe, because I have no idea what it is,) but they can't because people keep walking by, so they eventually rolled a blunt and just chilled.
We took lots of pictures. I feel self-conscious, especially in front of Kyle. Idunno why, he just seems to be on a level higher than me. It makes me uncomfortable and makes me want to be his best friend.
Keifer is really into his "big brother" roll. I appreciate him so much.
Jordan tells me that I'm a cute girl, I've got alot going for me, and that I'm going to be happy here.

Flash forward:
I've always looked twice at marshall, and not in a bad way. Now I feel tongue-tied as he forces me to scootch over and share chairs with him, casually draping an arm around my shoulders and polietly flirting.

Flash forward:
Danny insist that I spend time with he and mears. He has not read the notes. I feel hopefuly for our future, and for my college experience.
I'm sitting on this beach, watching these guys drink

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