Saturday, July 10, 2010

Man. People are such pussies.

I'm just gonna go be hardcore and listen to Gregory and the Hawk (a statement that is compromised of equal parts of sarcasm and truth. Gregory and the Hawk is hardcore indie-- and not this Kimya Dawson, trendy, "indie" shit. Honest indie, the rare type, which in this music industry is fucking difficult. Thus, hardcore. Argue with me, motherfucker,) and sip quietly on my huge glass of milk, because I'm still five years old and like milk before going to bed.
I never got a reply to my email to my granny and dad, so I called today to find out that A: My dad had not told my granny about the email, but she would immediately do whatever it is that needs doing, because she's my granny and she loves me and she wants to go to college in Louisana,
B: That my oldest little brother, Josh, is in New York for some kind of church thing,
C: My second oldest little brother, John David Jr., turned seven today. Because he has his birthday right before school starts, he thinks that after your birthday, you automatically go on to the next grade. I can't wait for him to figure out the pass/fail system. It's going to blow his mind, and
D: I am not as much of a family failure as I thought I was.

I'm running out of milk and overflowing with yawns, so excuse me if the conclusion isn't as eloquent as could be:
I keep thinking about how okay the rest of my life is going to be.
My parents are contractors, so after I graduate from high school, I'm going to move into an apartment and take out a loan to build my house. It's going to be a big adobe house with a ceramic tile roof and stone fence around the backyard. Every room will be painted a different bright color. I will sleep in a huge four-poster bed with my three dogs, all of which will be bigger than me. I'll get a job part-time working as a secretary and part-time as a barista. Eventually, the cafe I work for will realize my potential and hire me full-time. From there, I'll work my way up the ladder until I land manager. After a few years of job experience, I will quit and take out another loan to open my own cafe. We will be pet-friendly, so I can bring all of my bigass dogs to work with me everyday. After I get the business off the ground, I will hire someone to take over the coffee section of the cafe, and I will teach several yoga classes a day, because yoga suits my body type and is a great money maker. Whenever I get tired of working, probably in my late 50's or 60's, I will retire and spend all of my time with my dogs, whom I will treat like children. Maybe I'll find a permanent boyfriend or something, but I'll never get married because marriages don't work. But if I don't end up with someone, that'll be okay, because we all die alone anyways.

So, there. My life plan, at the moment.
Good night.

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