Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I have this horrible problem.

Hello everyone. My name is Jordan and I read cliche teenager books.

I tend to judge books by their covers and by their names.
If it looks or sound the teeniest bit okay-ish, I'll pick it up.
And boom, I'm sold. No matter how much I hate it, I have to see it through.
Because, at any given moment, it could get better. You know?
If I jsut read to the end of the next page, literary greatness will spring out at me and I'll be glad I took the time to find it.

Anyways, I'm bring this up because right now I'm reading this horrible book called "Peace Love & Baby Ducks." Only, on the cover, the words aren't mentioned. It's a picture of a blue peace sign over a red heart over the & symbol over three rubber duckies.
Cute, right?

So I'm on page 170, trying my hardest to read it all today and get it over with, and I stumble upon the chapter about religion (the main charater attends a Christian private school in Atlanta.)
Towards the end of the page, I spot the word "Rastafarianism." Being the curious youngster I am, I google the word.
According to the religion's wikipedia page and several other google sources, the Rastafarians take the word "rastafarianism" into offense, because they don't like being labeled as an "ism."
I check again. Page 170, paragraph 10, line 1: Rastafarianism.

I'm not really getting self righteous about the author's error. Lauren Myracle isn't any less of a person to me for not having done basic research.
I guess I just enjoy spotting other people's errors. They remind me that I'm not the only person in the whole wide universe that screws up.

But, damn, at least my mistakes can't be read all over the country.

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