Monday, April 12, 2010

My Weekend:

Thrusday: (Yes, my weekend begins on Thursday, when I decide against packing in advanced so as to cause myself more of a headache later.) Bathe. Wonder if I should bring my own shampoo and shit to Michael's house. Decide yes, just in case he thinks it's rude not to (is it customary to bring along your own soap? Or is your host expected to provide? Things I need to know that no one will ever teach me number 1.)

Friday: Jon screeches in the cafeteria at lunch. I screech back. I win. Drink my last red bull before noon. Pack my clothes. Unpack them, repack my face wash and shit, then clothes. Unpack all of it, repack my make up, face wash, then clothes. Unpack AGAIN, repack makeup, face wash, toothbrush and paste, and clothes. Stuff some candy and camera into my purse, almost forget stuffed dog, DO forget an extra pair of pants, grab laptop I know I won't use all weekend. Ride to Gulfport in the backseat with Danielle. Stop at a gas station in Godknowswhere? that has a one stall, unisex bathroom (that we all need to use.) Man in front of me walks in, audibly walks door, audibly buys condom from condom dispenser, hurridly leaves. Decide that future boy friend (anyone interested???) is not allowed to buy condoms from gas station dispenser. They're nasty and they probably have lots of holes in them and they only cost 75 cents (wtf, where is the 'cent' sign on this keyboard?!). I am a cheap date, admitably, but not that cheap. Go to wal mart. Forget groceries at wal mart. Go back. There is a lady slumped over in her car. When asked, she replies that she was waiting for someone, and drives away. Wtf, Gulfport?

Saturday: Go to Bay St. with Michael. Eat Mediterranean food for the first time. Fall in love with hummus. Walk to the beach. On the way, hear name SCCCCCREECHED from across the street. Get Jackson Weldon's cellphone number. Unintentionally insult his girlfriend. Check facebook. Forrest King posts that the 'n' word and "faggot" mean the same thing. Argue over facebook. Win :D. Drive back to Michael's, meet Geoffrey for the first time. He's pretty cool. Climb a tree on an "Unstable Dam!!" Film project starting at 9, ending at 4 on

Sunday: Wake up at noon to Michael decompressing my lungs (he thinks it's funny to watch me gasp for air.) Watch him fiddle with the film footage from Saturday. Go to art festival in the pass with Mears. Forget shoes. (shit, it's an art festival, right? They don't care.) Meet some of Mear's friends. They are intricately more interesting than I. I'm not sure that's proper grammar. Go back to Michael's. Sit around with the dogs for a while. ThrowMear's a surprise birthday bash. Watch scary House episode. Shit it was scary. Go to bed at 11. Wake up at 3 on

Monday: Get in car. Go to gas station, see Lion/Dog (I swear to Jesus.) Pick up Mears very quietly. Hallucinate that we're running away. Hallucinate a lot in general. Sleep. Bell just rang. Time for 30 minute break.

Shit I'm sleepy.

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