Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I'm trying really hard to Bee the Best Bee I can Bee, but I'm less like one of those small, fast Bees and more like a big ol' honey bee that just drifts around without accomplishing anything at all. This school sucks the energy out of me. I've got nothing to offer. Getting out of bed is such a chore.

We went to New Orleans this weekend. We had to wake up at 3 am in order to make it there before noon, and I drove all the way because guest don't drive. That would be rude.
Anyways, it was Michael and I, and we both hit our peak at about 10 am, so everything after that just got a little crazy. I was scared that when we walked into UNO we'd still be cackling and screeching "WANNA PLAY CHECKERSSSSSSS????" But, thankfully, we pulled it together long enough to give the impression of very mature young people.

I don't want to be mature.
I just want to be young.

I hate when people say that they're mature for their age. I feel like they're selling their childhood. They're letting go of a limited time offer.

I wish everyone acted their ages 24/7. I wish it was something we couldn't fight against. I wish being old and wrinkly was acceptable, that we didn't have surgies and creams to stop you from aging.
I want to be old and wrinkly. I want to be crazy as hell at whatever age it is allowed.
I want to have a million greatdanes running around my house, so that all the mothers in the neighborhood bring their toddlers over to "ride" the dogs, and then sit in the fron yard with me and tell me what an inspiration to the community I am.
I want to be an inspiration to the community.

I want to own a coffee shop someday. I want to wake up at 4 am every morning except Sunday, when we won't open until noon, so that I can start making coffee at 5 and be serving by 6. And eventually I'll hire someone to run the coffee shop downstairs and I will do yoga classes upstairs and make $10 a person.

I hate when people put the dollar sign behind the numeral amount. When they type money they way they would say it. Seeing 10$ grinds my gears.

My coffee shop will not make much money. We will make just enough to pay the bills and to put some into a savings account. I will take all of those savings and buy a Texas ranch house, sitting on a couple of acres and a fenced in yard. And then I'll get a bunch of dogs and be an inspiration to the neighborhood.

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