Sunday, January 9, 2011

I'm Going Back To New Orleans.

This time tomorrow, I may or may not have a confession to make.
Probably, hopefully, not.
But, life's funny and you never really know.

Mostly I'm just looking forward to hugging Alex.
I knew I'd miss him over this break, I just didn't realize how much.
There were so many times that I just really needed him. You know?

I haven't bought him a Christmas present, yet.
I didn't have the money to before the break, and I didn't want to have to pay to ship one to my dorm during it.
I haven't bought Danny or Grace presents yet, either, for the same reason.
So I have a lot of Christmas shopping to do, and that's pretty much my first order of business.
Also, Alex's parents are going to pay me to do odd jobs around the house for them, because Alex is lazy and won't do it for them.
Also, party in Baton Rouge on the fifteenth.
Also, moving all of my shit back into Alex's apartment.
Also, getting the pots/ pans/ silverware Alex hid in his room so that Anil couldn't fuck with any of it while we were gone (we learned our lesson after the Thanksgiving Break Fiasco) back into the kitchen.
Also, cleaning up the apartment, which is probably filthy because Anil doesn't know how to clean. (Well, that's a lie. Alex taught him how, he just refuses to do it unless one of us prompts him into to he. He really doesn't mind living in semi-filth.)
Also, finding out who ELSE isn't coming back this semester.

I'm really upset that so many people are leaving.
I feel cheated, somehow, by not being able to continue/ further my friendships with them.
It's not that getting to know them was a waste of time.
It's just unfair that I invested time and energy and emotions into people that I will probably never see again.
It makes me sad.

Grace and I have a new roommate.
I couldn't find her on facebook.
I hope she isn't creepy.
I hope she likes me.
I hope she likes Grace.
I hope we all get along and live happily together.
Mostly, though, I just hope I have a good semester.


  1. I like living in semi-filth. Do you look down on me? D:

  2. I'm not going to school this semester. Most likely. I'm not financially or emotionally stable enough.

    I didn't want to waste my time/money again. So I'll start in the summer again.

    My life is shit right now. My parents are disappointed in me. I wish you were here. I wish we were back at MSA.

    Everything is so hard. Jordan. It's too hard.
