Thursday, January 20, 2011

I Really Hate People, Sometimes.

I hate when people post facebook statuses about their eating disorders.
"I just might eat today... Maybe xD"
It's not cute. We all know that you're waiting for someone to post a comment telling you how skinny and beautiful you are.
But you aren't.
Anorexia doesn't make you pretty.
It just makes you sick.
And I just feel like not everyone knows that there is a difference.

Last night, I cried three times within twenty minutes over one thing.
When we were at wal mart getting water neutralizer for Eric's new fish, Alex and I found one of the betas in a cracked container. Almost all of its water had leaked out, and the poor thing was struggling to survive in the live bit that it had left.
And I just, I don't know.
I should have bought the fish, bought a bowl, and taken it home and cared for it.
Instead, I did the "right" thing and took it to a nearby wal mart lady.
Have you ever looked at someone and seen what they were thinking? This lady was smiling and nodding and "okay"ing me, but I could see that she was thinking, "Who the fuck does this girl think she is? I have better things to deal with than a stupid fish."

And I promise you that she ended up flushing it down a toilet.

As soon as I realized it, I just started crying in the middle of the fish aisle. Not like big, blubbering crying, just normal crying. Alex couldn't understand it, and I couldn't stop crying long enough to explain.

Because there are a lot of people in the world that are like that fish. They're struggling, they're do the best that they can, but somehow the water just keeps leaking and there's nothing that they can do about it.
And all of the other people in the world, instead of taping over the leak and pouring more water in, they just flush those people down the toilet.

It's not your job to take care of dying beta fish.
It's your responsibility.


  1. But Jordan, there are people like you in the world that take the initiative to help. Everyone won't do the right thing, you have to be a responsible person for yourself and only hope others follow suit.

  2. I don't know how to swim <---needs moar help.

    Everything you write is golden.
