Thursday, March 17, 2011

I'm moving out of Alex's apartment this week.
It was, literally, the scariest and most heart-breaking decision I've made this school year.
We both agree that this apartment is just too small, though. There's not enough room for both of us in his bedroom. And, I've decided to stop cleaning for he and Eric until they learn to be less messy. It really is ridiculous how much of my time is set aside for cleaning this gigantic dump.

I'm really scared of this, though.
Alex and I moved in together as soon as we started dating.
I've never not falled asleep with him every night.
Mostly, I just feel like this is "the beginning of the end."
Like this is going to make us drift apart.
I don't want that to happen it.
I love Alex. With all of my small, crooked heart. And I just want to do what's best for both of us. But what I really want is to be happy, and I don't know how to do that yet.

1 comment:

  1. *fallen. The past participle of "to fall" is "fallen." Actually, I don't even think "falled" is a word. I still love you, though, Jordan, cause it's a one-time thing<3

    But, about your blog subject-matter: everything will work out with Alex, if it's meant to be. You guys will still see each other. In fact, it might be better for your relationship, since you guys took such a big leap so early in your relationship. Less stress, you know?

    Also, from one slob to a neat freak-- your boyfriend and Eric will not learn to be less messy. They will just learn to live with the mess. Just because nobody cleans my house, does not mean I will do so, except in rare occasions, bahaha. Lol, that's why I hire my sister, also a neat-freak, to do it for me at times. Perhaps instead of hoping to change their cleaning-philosophy, you should just start charging for your services. :)
